Forth Language words
The Forth language version defined in the files codeelemnt.cpp and codeelement.h is a partial implementation of the Forth ANSI standard. It is recommended that a copy of the ANSI standard document or a good Forth text book be used to learn Forth. This page will only list the words defined and it will also describe the way object classes have been added to the implementation.

Differences and bugs
As this version of Forth defines words as c++ objects with a collection of elements that may be primitives or pointers to other forth words. The concept of a "here" in a dictionary is not used.
Thus sequences of code like

    here 4 allot

must be replaced with other sequences such as

    create name

Also this is is a lower case Forth;  DUP becomes dup

Some incorrect results with negative loop indices have been observed
Be careful of integer overflow, sizes and bounds
This version of forth is distributed as source code with minimal editing or run time support. It is intended to be used to add language or scripting capacity to other programs or projects and not as a stand alone forth system.

Forth extensions:
Floating point support and a separate floating point stack have been implemented.
An auilary stack has been implemented.
Structure data types exist
Some unique string manipulation words exist
Memory managment has been implemented. (see the c++ source)
Object oriented programming is supported with by Forth Classes, classes, methods, constructors,
destructors,inheritance and public and private are supported. (see the included testclass.4th Forth source for examples of class usage)

Example :
class: goomb                \\ declare class type
    [dword] anw            \\ declare data elements some public and some private
    [dword] bnw
    [dword] cnw
   [dword] anw2
    [dword] bnw2
    [dword] cnw2

    m: Anw@ anw @ m; \\ add methods
    m: Anw! anw ! m;
    m: Bnw@ bnw @ m;
    m: Bnw! bnw ! m;
    m: Cnw@ cnw @ m;
    m: Cnw! cnw ! m;

    m: SumAB 1 Anw! 1 Bnw! Anw@ Bnw@ + dup . Cnw! Cnw@ . cr m;
class;                                \\finish Forth class declaration

goomb pulah                        \\ create a class instance named "pulah"
pulah -: SumAB                     \\ execute the method SumAB
(decompile)-class goomb    \\ decompile the class
: umber pulah -: SumAB ;    \\ compile a method into a Forth word

class: goomb2                          \\ declare another class type
    [dword] mule
    [class] goomb truel              \\ this class contains a class instance
    [dword] mule2
    [class] goomb truel2
    m: Intrule 2 truel -: Anw! 2 truel -: Bnw! 1 mule ! m;
    m: Usetruel truel -: Anw@ truel -: Bnw@ mule @ + + . " result of goomb2 Usetrue1" printstring cr m;
    m: Intrule2 2 truel2 -: anw2 ! 2 truel2 -: bnw2 ! 1 mule2 ! m;
    m: Usetruel2 truel2 -: anw2 @ truel2 -: bnw2 @ mule2 @ + + . " result of goomb2 Usetrue12" printstring cr m;
class;                                      \\ end class with class;

class: hoomw public: := goomb           \\ this class inherits goomb as a public parent
private:                                                     \\ make them private after public: inherit
    [dword] Adw
    [class] goomb acl
    m: tcn1 5 hoomw::goomb -: Anw!
        5 hoomw::goomb -: Bnw!
        5 hoomw::goomb -: Cnw!
    m: tcn2 hoomw::goomb -: Anw@
        hoomw::goomb -: Bnw@
        hoomw::goomb -: Cnw@
        + + . cr

    m: tcn3 6 Anw!
        6 Bnw! 6 Cnw!
    m: tcn4 7 Anw!
        7 Bnw! 7 Cnw!

--------- FORTH Primitives Glossery -------------------------------------------------
Name "forth-name" ( stack-diagram ) <immediate | blank >
    word description

Defining words

colon, ":", ( <name> --- ) immediate
    starts a forth word definition
        : moo 2 2 + ;
semicolon, ";", ( -- ) immediate
   ends a forth word definiotion
    See : example :
constant, "constant" ( n <name> --- )
   defines a named forth constant
        2 constant two
variable, "variable" ( n <name> --- )
    defines a named forth variable, note that the initialization values on the forth stack differs from the standard
        7 variable amount
create, "create" ( <name> --- )
     creates a named variable sized region in memory, needs an ;create or does>, this differs from the standard
        create home 27 allot ;create
endcreate, ";create" ( --- )
ends a create definition if does> is not used
allot, "allot" ( n --- )
    allocates memory for a named forth word defined using the word create
    See the create example
rundoes, "rundoes>", ( --- addr ) immediate
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
does, "does>", ( --- addr ) immediate
    allows appending of forth code to a word defined with create
        : mcre create 100 allot does> 10 + ;
postpone, "postpone", immediate
    <<<Not implemented properly>>> bug
state, "state" ( ---addr )
    a variable containing true if compiling false if executing a word

Comment words

Comment, "(", ( --- ) immediate
        ( this is a comment )
CppComment, "//", ( --- )immediate
        // This is a comment
ForthComment, "\\", ( --- ) immediate
        \\ This is a comment

Output words

quote, """, compiling -( cccccccc ccc "> --- ) ( runtime-( --- string ) immediate
        " I am a string " printstring cr
dotquote, "."", compiling-( cccccccc ccc "> --- ) runtime-( --- ) immediate
    complies a string delimited by an ending " at runtime the string is printed
dot, "." ( n --- )
    prints a number from the forth stack
udot, "u." ( u --- )
    prints an unsigned number from the forth stack
ddot , "d." (n n --- )
    prints an double number from the forth stack
dudot , "du." (u u --- )
    prints an unsigned double number from the forth stack
emit, "emit" ( c --- )
    prints an ASCII char from the value on the forth stack
nop, "nop" ( --- )
    nop means "no operation" I.E. dies nothing
CR, "cr" ( --- )
    emits a carriage return
printstring, "printstring" ( string --- )
    prints a string created with "
type, "type" ( addr cnt --- )
    prints a string from the address and count on the forth stack
count, "count" ( addr --- )
    converts a forth counted string from the address given to both address and count
word, "word" ( c1 <cccccc><c1> --- c-addr )
    returns the address of a forth counted string containing the word cccccc as delimited by cl

Control words (those starting with "run" like runif or runbegin are generated for internal Forth use only)

runif, "runif" ( t | f --- )
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
if, "if", immediate
        : tst-depth depth if " Unclean stack " else " OK " then printstring cr ;
runelse, "runelse"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
else, "else", immediate
    See "if" example
runthen, "runthen"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
then, "then", immediate
    See "if" example
runbegin, "runbegin"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
begin, "begin", immediate
        : hoog 1 begin 1 + dup 10 > until " the output was " printstring . ;
rununtil, "rununtil"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
until, "until", immediate
    See begin example
rundo, "rundo"
do, "do", immediate
        : testloop 0 10 0 do 1 + dup . loop . ;
runloop, "runloop"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
loop, "loop", immediate
    See do example
runiinloop, "runi"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
iinloop, "i", immediate
    Places the inner loop index on the forth stack
runjinloop, "runj"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
jinloop, "j", immediate
    Places the loop index from the loop just out from the innermost
    loop on the forth stack
        : drool
            5 0 do
                5 0 do
                    i j * .
                loop cr
            loop cr

runleave, "runleave"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
leave, "leave", immediate
    causes an exit from a do loop
        : iiiool 10 0
                i dup .
7 ==
                    i .

runplusloop, "+runloop"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
plusloop, "+loop", immediate
    like loop but the number on the forth stack is added to the loop index
    and removed from the forth stack, when the index passes the loop limit the loop
    is exited.
        : nooot 20 0 do i . 2 +loop cr ;
runquestiondo, "?rundo"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
questiondo, "?do", immediate

rununloop, "rununloop"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
unloop, "unloop", immediate
discard the loop paramaters for the current nesting level. unloop must be used before exit is used.
        : testule 10 0 do i . 10 0 do i dup . 5 == if unloop unloop exit then loop cr loop ;
runwhile, "runwhile"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
while, "while", immediate
        : tbwr
            begin 3 + dup .
20 < dup .
        while dup
10 + . cr
        repeat . cr ;

runrepeat, "runrepeat"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
repeat, "repeat", immediate
    See while example
runagain, "runagain"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
again, "again", immediate
    a begin ... again loop does not exit unless a word like exit is used inside.
       : testex begin 20 0 do 10 0 do j dup . 7 == if exit then loop cr loop again ;
runcase, "runcase"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
case, "case", immediate
    : casetest 10 0 do i dup .

            1 of i 10 + . endof
            2 of i 10 + . endof
            3 of i 10 + . endof
            20 + .
        endcase cr
                loop ;

runof, "runof"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
of, "of", immediate
    See case example
runendof, "runendof"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
endof, "endof", immediate
    See case example
runendcase, "runendcase"
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
endcase, "endcase", immediate
See case example
runexit, "runexit", immediate
not a user word, added to compiled code by the compiler
exit, "exit", ( --- ) immediate
exit the current word, inside a loop unloop should be called first
recurse, "recurse" ( --- )
    execute the current definition from inside the current definition
quit, "quit" ( -- ) r: ( x*n -- )
    empty the return stack, begin interpretation from the terminal input
bye, "bye" ( -- )
    exit from forth

Stack words

stackdepth, "depth" ( --- n )
    retuns the depth of the forth stack
drop, "drop" ( n --- )
    removes one entry from the forth stack
over, "over" ( n1 n2 --- n1 n2 n1 )
    copies the second item on the stack to the stack top
swap, "swap" ( n1 n2 --- n2 n1 )
    swaps the first and second items on the forth stack
dup, "dup" ( n1 --- n1 n1 )
    duplicates the top item on the forth stack
questiondup, "?dup"
    duplicates the top item on the forth stack when it is not zero
rot, "rot" ( n1 n2 n3 --- n2 n3 n1 )
    rotates the third item on the forth stack to the stack top
rpush, ">r" ( n --- ) r:( --- n )
    moves a number on the forth stack to the return stack
rpop, "r>" r:( n --- ) ( --- n )
    moves a number on the return stack to the forth stack
rfetch, "r@" ( --- n )
    copies a number from the return stack to the forth stack
nip, "nip" ( n1 n2 --- n2 )
    removes the number second from the top of the forth stack
pick, "pick" ( n1 n2 ... u --- n1 n2 n3 ... n1 )
    copies the number in the u position on the forth stack to the stack top
tuck, "tuck" ( n1 n2 --- n2 n1 n2 )
    copies the number on the top of the forth stack to the 3rd position on the stack
roll, "roll" ( n n2 ... u --- n2 n3 ... n )
    moves the number in the u position on the forth stack to the stack top
reverserot, "-rot" ( n1 n2 n3 --- n3 n1 n2 )
    moves the number on top of the forth stack to the third position
twodup, "2dup" ( n1 n2 --- n1 n2 n1 n2 )
    duplicates the top two numbers on the forth stack
twodrop, "2drop" ( n1 n2 --- )
    drops a double number (two numbers) on the forth stack
twoswap, "2swap" ( n1 n2 n3 n4 --- n3 n4 n1 n2 )
    swaps the top double number (two numbers) on the forth stack with the 3rd and 4th numbers
twoover, "2over" ( n1 n2 n3 n4 --- n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 )
    copies the 3rd and 4th entries on the forth stack to the 1st and 2nd positions

Auxiliary Stack Words (used to operate on the auxiliary stack)

auxpop, "aux>" a:( n --- ) ( --- n )
    moves a number from the auxiliary stack to the forth stack
auxpush, ">aux" ( n --- ) a:( --- n )
    moves a number from the forth stack to the auxiliary stack
auxswap, "auxswap" a:( n1 n2 --- n2 n1 )
    swap for the auxiliary stack
auxover, "auxover" a:( n1 n2 --- n1 n2 n1 )
    over for the auxiliary stack
auxdrop, "auxdrop" a:( n --- )
    drop for the auxiliary stack
auxrot, "auxrot" a:( n1 n2 n3 --- n2 n3 n1 )
    rot for the auxiliary stack
auxreverserot, "-auxrot" a:( n1 n2 n3 --- n3 n1 n2 )
    -rot for the auxiliary stack
auxfetch, "aux@" ( --- n )
    copies the top number from the auxiliary stack to the forth stack
auxnip, "auxnip" a:( n1 n2 --- n2 )
    nip for the auxiliary stack
auxpick, "auxpick" a:( n1 n2 ... u --- n1 n2 n3 ... n1 )
    pick for the auxiliary stack
auxtuck, "auxtuck" a:( n1 n2 --- n2 n1 n2 )
    tuck for the auxiliary stack
auxroll, "auxroll" a:( n n2 ... u --- n2 n3 ... n )
    roll for the auxiliary stack
auxtwodup, "aux2dup" a:( n1 n2 --- n1 n2 n1 n2 )
    2dup for the auxiliary stack
auxtwodrop, "aux2drop" a:( n1 n2 --- )
    2drop for the auxiliary stack

Address words

fetch, "@" ( addr --- n )
    replace address on the forth stack with the value at that address
store, "!" ( n addr --- )
    store the number n at the address given on the top of the forth stack
cstore, "c!" ( c addr --- )
    store the byte c at the address given
cfetch, "c@" ( addr --- c )
    fetch the byte c from the byte address given
wstore, "w!" ( w addr --- )
    store the 16 bit word at the given address
wfetch, "w@" ( addr --- w )
    read a 16 bit word from the word address given
plusstore, "+!" ( n addr --- )
    add the number second on the forth stack to the value at address
twostore, "2!" ( n1 n2 addr --- )
    store the double number at the given address
twofetch, "2@" ( addr --- n1 n2 )
    fetch a double number from the given address

Arithmetic and number words

plus, "+" ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
    add two numbers on the forth stack
minus, "-" ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
    subtract the number at the forth stack top from the number second on the stack
multiply, "*" ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
    multiply two numbers on the forth stack
starslash, "*/" ( n1 n2 n3 --- n4 )
    multiply n1 times n2 and divide the double number from the multiplication by n3 to produce n4
starslashmod, "*/mod" ( n1 n2 n3 --- n4 n5)
    multiply n1 times n2 and divide the double number from the multiplication by n3 to produce n5 the quotient and n4 the remainder
divide, "/" ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
    divide the second number on the forth stack by the number at the top of the stack
oneplus, "1+" ( n1 --- n2 )
    add 1 to the number at the stack top
oneminus, "1-" ( n1 --- n2 )
    subtract one from the number at the stack top
twotimes, "2*" ( n1 --- n2 )
    multiply the number on top of the forth stack by two
twoplus, "2+" ( n1 --- n2 )
    add 2 to the number on top of the forth stack
twominus, "2-" ( n1 --- n2 )
    subtract 2 from the number on top of the forth stack
twoslash, "2/" ( n1 --- n2 )
    divide the number on top of the forth stack by 2
abs, "abs" ( n1 --- n2 )
    replace the number on top of the forth stack with it's absolute value
and, "and" ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
    perform a binary and between n1 and n2 to produce n3
not, "not" ( n1 --- n2 )
    perform a binary not on n1 producing n2
or, "or" ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
    perform a binary or between n1 and n2 producing n3
xor, "xor" ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
    perform a binary xor between n1 and n2 producing n3
rshift, "rshift" ( u1 u2 --- u3 )
    shift u1 u2 bit positions right
        8 2 rshift
lshift, "lshift" ( u1 u2 --- u3 )
    shift u1 u2 bit positions left
invert, "invert" ( u1 --- u2 )
    invert the bits in u1
base, "base" ( --- addr )
    returns the address of the current number base
hex, "hex" ( --- )
    set the current number base to hexadecimal
decimal, "decimal" ( --- )
    set the current number base to decimal
octal, "octal" ( --- )
    set the current number base to octal
fmslashmod, "fm/mod" ( n1 n2 n3 --- n3 n4 )
    divide the double number represented by n1 and n2 by the n3 to produce the remainder n3 and the floored quotient n4 all numbers are signed
smslashrem, "sm/rem" ( n1 n2 n3 --- n3 n4 )
    divide the double number represented by n1 and n2 by the n3 to produce the remainder n3 and the symmetric quotient n4 all numbers are signed
sTod, "s>d" ( n --- n1 n2 )
    convert the singel number n to the double number n3 n4
mtimes, "m*" ( n1 n2 --- n3 n4 )
    n3 n4 are the double signed product of n1 and n2
umtimes, "um*" ( u1 u2 --- u3 u4 )
multiply u1 times u2 resulting in the unsigned double number represented by u3 and u4
umslashmod, "um/mod" ( u1 u2 u --- u3 u4 )
divide the double number represented by u1 and u2 by u giving the quotient u4 and the remainder u3
slashmod, "/mod" ( n1 n2 --- n3 n4 )
    divide n1 by n2 giving the single remainder n3 and the quotient n4
mod, "mod" ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
    return the remainder
greaternumber, ">number" ( ud1 c-addr u1 --- ud2 c_addr u2 )
    ud2 is the double unsigned result of converting the number the address c-addr with length u1 using the current base and adding the number to the  double ud1 after multiplying ud1 by base
dplus, "d+" ( n1 n2 n3 n4 --- n5 n6 )
    adds the two double numbers n1 n2 and n2 n3 to produce the double n5 n6
dnegate, "dnegate" ( n1 n2 --- -[n1 n2] )
    negate the double number n1 n2
dzeroless, "d0<" ( n1 n2 --- t | f )
    compare the double number n1 n2 with 0 and return true if 0 is greater
dminus, "d-" ( n1 n2 n3 n4 --- n5 n6 )
    subtract the double number n3 n4 from the double number n1 n2
dzeroequal, "d0=" ( n1 n2 --- t | f )
    true if the double number n1 n2 is equal to 0
dtwostar, "d2*" ( n1 n2 n3 n4 --- n5 n6 )
    multiplys the two double numbers n1 n2 and n2 n3 to produce the double n5 n6
dtwoslash, "d2/" ( n1 n2 n3 n4 --- n5 n6 )
    divide the double numbers n1 n2 by the double number n2 n3 to produce the double n5 n6
dmax, "dmax" ( n1 n2 n3 n4 --- n1 n2 | n3 n4 )
    return the greater of the two double numbers
dmin, "dmin" ( n1 n2 n3 n4 --- n1 n2 | n3 n4 )
    return the lesser of the two double numbers
max, "max" ( n1 n2 --- n1 | n2 )
    return the maximum of n1 or n2
min, "min" ( n1 n2 --- n1 | n2 )
    return the minimum of n1 or n1
negate, "negate" ( n1 --- -n1 )
    return the negative of n1 I.E. -n1
hold, "hold" ( c --- )
insert a char into the number being formated
sign, "sign" ( n --- )
if n is negative add a minus sign to the formated number output
pounds, "#s" ( u1 u2 --- )
convert the rest of the number being formated
pound, "#" ( u1 -- u2 )
convert one digit of the number being formated by dividing by the contents of base to get u2 and the digit n
lesspound, "<#" ( --- )
begin formating a number as a formated string
poundgreater, "#>" ( u1 --- addr cnt )
drop u1 make the number being formated available as a address and count

Value testing words

lessthan, "<" ( n1 n2 --- t | f )
    return true if n1 is less than n2
ulessthan, "u<" ( u1 u2 --- t | f )
    return true if the unsigned number u1 is less than the unsigned number u2
notequal, "<>" ( n1 n2 --- t | f )
    true if n1b is not equal to n1
equal, "==" ( n1 n2 --- t | f )
    true if n1 equals n2
equal, "=" ( n1 n2 --- t | f ) // note definition of ==
    true if n1 equals n2
greaterthan, ">" ( n1 n2 --- t | f )
    true if n is greater than n2
zeroless, "0<" ( n --- t | f )
    true if n is less than zero
zeroequal, "0=" ( n --- t | f )
    true if n equals zero
zerogreater, "0>" ( n --- t | f )
    true if n is greater than zero
zeronot, "0<>" ( n --- t | f )
    true if n is not equal to zero
greaterthanequal, ">=" ( n1 n2 --- t | f )
    true if n1 is greater or equal to n2
lessthanequal, "<=" ( n1 n2 --- t | f )
    true if n1 is less than or equal to n2
within, "within" ( n1 n2 n3 --- t | f )
    when n2 < n3 true if n1 >= n2 and n1 < n3
    when n2 > n3 true if n1 >= n2 or n1 < n3
true, "true" ( --- t )
false, "false" ( --- f )

Various string, memory and array words

stringcopy, "str=" ( &string1 &string2 ---&string1 )
    copy a string into another string
        : tests1 " The rain in Spain " ;
       : tests2 " The same in Maine " ;
        tests1 tests2 str= printstring cr
stringplus, "str+" ( &string1 &string2 --- &string1 )
    append the text of string 2 to string1
stringequal, "str==" ( &string1 &string2 --- t | f )
    true if the strings are the same
substring, "substr" ( &string1 &string2 startpos length --- &string1)
    copy the substring in string2 at position startpos of length to string1
stringvariable, "string" ( &string <name> --- )
    create a string variable initialized to string
stringtocstr, "str>cstr" ( &string addr --- )
    copy the string to the cstr address addr as a zero terminated string
cstrtostring, "cstr>str" ( addr &string --- )
    copy the text at the cstr address addr into the string
chararray, "char[]:" ( n <name> --- )
    create a char array using the memory manager of n bytes
chararraylen, "char[]_len" ( addr --- n )
    get the length of a char[] at address
deletechararray, "delchar[]" ( addr --- )
    delete a buffer created by char[]
strcpy, "strcpy" ( addr1 addr2 --- )
    copy a zero terminated string from addr2 to addr1
strncpy, "strncpy" ( addr1 addr2 n --- )
    copy a zero terminated string from addr2 to addr1 for n bytes maximum
memcpy, "memcpy" ( addr1 addr2 --- )
    copy n bytes from addr2 to addr1
memset, "memset" ( addr c len --- )
    set len bytes at addr to char c
memsize, "msize" ( addr --- u )
    put the size alocated by the memory manager at address on the forth stack
    addr must have previusly been alocated by the a word that uses the memory manager like char[]
bl, "bl" ( --- bl )
    place a blank character on the forth stack
squote, "s"", compile-( <cccccc "> --- ) runtime-( --- addr cnt ) immediate
    compile a string into the current word so it's address and count are returned
        : aone s" one" type :
cquote, "c"", compile-( <cccccc "> --- ) runtime-( --- addr ) immediate
    compile a counted forth string into the current word being defined
        : atwo c" two " count type ;
source, "source" ( --- addr cnt )
    return the address and count of the current source code line being parsed
space, "space" ( --- )
    emit a blank char
spaces, "spaces" ( n --- )
    emit n spaces (blanks)
greaterin, ">in" ( --- addr )
addr is the offset from the begining of the input buffer
fill, "fill" ( addr cnt c --- )
    fill addr with cnt bytes with the value c
move, "move" ( addr1 addr2 cnt --- )
    move cnt bytes from addr1 to addr2

Debug words

traceon, "traceon" ( --- )
    turn on tracing
timm 2 ; immediate
tlit timm literal 2 * . cr ;
\\after compilation and execution of the above code the trace is in the trace file "interp<number>.txt" as

rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word "traceon" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word ":" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word ":" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word ";" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word ";" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word "immediate" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word "immediate" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word ":" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word ":" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word "timm" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word "timm" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 1 Stack: 2
Entered word "literal" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 1 Stack: 2
---Exited word "literal" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word "*" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word "*" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word "." rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word "." rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word "cr" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word "cr" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word ";" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
---Exited word ";" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word "tlit" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word "*" rdepth = 2, sdepth = 2 Stack: 2 2
---Exited word "*" rdepth = 2, sdepth = 1 Stack: 4
Entered word "." rdepth = 2, sdepth = 1 Stack: 4
---Exited word "." rdepth = 2, sdepth = 0
Entered word "cr" rdepth = 2, sdepth = 0
---Exited word "cr" rdepth = 2, sdepth = 0
---Exited word "tlit" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0
Entered word "traceoff" rdepth = 1, sdepth = 0


traceoff, "traceoff" ( --- )
    turn off tracing
    see traceon example
addtrace, "addtrace" ( string --- )
    inserts a string into the trace output
dot_s, ".s" ( --- )
    displays the forth stack

Forth structure words

\\ two structure types are defined below

structure: SmallStruct
    25     +char Small_name
            +long Small_long

structure: MyStruct
        25     +char My_name
                +long My_long
                +short My_short
    2          +long[] My_both
    3       SmallStruct +object[] My_small

\\ using the structure type requires creating an instance with "new-structure"

MyStruct new-structure constant addr_mine

\\ access to elements in the structure is automatic

addr_mine My_long ( --- addr of My_Long )

\\ access of arrays in the structure also needs an array index on the stack

1 addr_mine My_both ( 1 --- addr if My_both[1] ) \\ note the ( [ 1] )

structure, "structure:" ( <name> -- )
    starts structure type definition
Nchar, "+char" ( n <name> --- )
    add n chars to a structure being defined
Nshort, "+short" ( <name> --- )
    add a short (16 bits) to the structure being defined
Nlong, "+long" ( <name> --- )
    add a long (32 bits) to the structure being defined
Narraylong, "+long[]" ( n <name> --- )
    add an array of longs (each 32 bits) to the structure being defined
Narrayshort, "+short[]" ( n <name> --- )
    add an array of shorts (each 16 bits) to the structure being defined
Narrayobjects, "+object[]" ( n <name> --- )
    add an array of structures or objects of fixed size to the structure being defined
endstructure, "structure;" ( --- )
    end a structure type definition
createinstance, "new-structure" ( size --- )
    create a new structure type instance

System call words

ReadEntireFile, "ReadEntireFile" ( &string --- buffer )
    creates a memory buffer using the forth memory manager and reads the entire file into it. The file must exist.
        " myfile.txt " ReadEntireFile
include, "include"
    creates a memory buffer using the forth memory manager and reads the entire file into it.
    The buffer is then pushed onto the forth input stream and parsed
        " myfile.4th " include
timeanddate, "time&date" ( --- n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 )
    The current time and date. n1 is the second {0...59}, n2 is the minute {0...59}, n3 is the hour {0...23}, n4 is the day {1...31} n5 is the month {1...12}, and n6 is the year (e.g., 1991).
find, "find" ( c-addr --- c-addr 0 | xt 1 | xt -1 )
    from a name at address return the address and 0 if the word is not in the forth dictonary
    the execution token and 1 if the word exists and is immediate
    the execution token and -1 if the word exists and is not immediate
CreateFile,  "create-file", ( c-addr u fam --- fileid ior )
OpenFile, "open-file", (c-addr u fam --- fileid ior )
FileSize, "file-size", (fileid  --- ud ior )
FilePosition, "file-position", ( fileid --- ud ior )
ReadFile, "read-file", (c-addr u1 fileid  --- u2 ior )
CloseFile, "close-file", ( fileid --- uir )
ReadOnly, "r/o", ( --- fam )
ReadWrite, "r/w", ( --- fam )
WriteOnly, "w/o", ( --- fam )
WriteFile, "write-file", ( c-addr u1 fileid   --- u2 ior )
RepositionFile, "reposition-file",  ( ud fileid --- ior )
ShowFileError, "file-error",  ( ior --- )

Vocabulary and compile control words

tic, "'" ( <forthword> --- addr )
    place the execution address of the forth word in the forth stack
        ' myforthword ( --- xt )
execute, "execute" ( xt --- )
    execute the forth word represented by the execution token on the stack
    ' myforthword execute
decompile, "decompile" ( xt --- )
    decompile the forth word represented by the executuin token on the stack
    : tbwr
       begin 3 + dup .
20 < dup .
        while dup
10 + . cr
        repeat . cr ;

    ' tbwr decompile
    // the output is
    Name: "tbwr"
    -->Element 0 is a call to the word runbegin
    -->Element 1 is a literal == to 3
    -->Element 2 is a call to the word +
    -->Element 3 is a call to the word dup
    -->Element 4 is a call to the word .
    -->Element 5 is a call to the word dup
    -->Element 6 is a literal == to 20
    -->Element 7 is a call to the word <
    -->Element 8 is a call to the word dup
    -->Element 9 is a call to the word .
    -->Element 10 is a literal == to 18
    -->Element 11 is a call to the word runwhile
    -->Element 12 is a call to the word dup
    -->Element 13 is a literal == to 10
    -->Element 14 is a call to the word +
    -->Element 15 is a call to the word .
    -->Element 16 is a call to the word cr
    -->Element 17 is a literal == to 0
    -->Element 18 is a call to the word runrepeat
    -->Element 19 is a call to the word .
    -->Element 20 is a call to the word cr

immediate, "immediate", immediate
    marks the most recent word defined as immediate so it is executed when compiling
       : timm 2 ; immediate
tlit timm literal 2 * . cr ;

forth, "forth", ( --- ) immediate
    makes forth the context vocabulary
vocabulary, "vocabulary", ( <name> --- ) immediate
    creates a new vocabulary with the name <name> , when <name> is executed it will become the
    context vocabulary
definitions, "definitions", immediate
    makes the context vocabulary the current vocabulary
    vocabulary roof immediate
    roof definitions
literal, "literal", immediate
    compiles the number on the stack into the current definition so it will be pushed onto the forth stack
    when the definition is executed
vocquery, "is-in-voc" ( xt --- )
    prints the vocabulary containing the execution token of a forth word on the stack
    ' peak is-in-voc cr \\ prints roof
leftbracket, "[", immediate ( <forth words> )
    when defining a word the code between [ and ] is executed immediately and not compiled
        : ItsAddress [ start_addr 12 + ] literal ;
rightbracket, "]", ( -- ) immediate
    see definition of [
bracketticbracket, "[']", ( xt -- ) immediate
   when compiling a word compiles the execution token of another word on the forth stack into the current definition. Used to compile immediate words into a new forth word
release, "release" ( <name> -- )
    Remove a vocabulary from the search list
evaluate, "evaluate" ( addr cnt --- )
    attempts to parse the forth code in the buffer at address with length cnt

Char Size words

cell, "cell" ( --- cellsize )
    returns the size of a long ( 4 )
cellplus, "cell+" ( n --- n+cellsize )
    adds the size of a long to n
cells, "cells" ( n --- n*cellsize)
    returns the size of n longs
chars, "chars" ( n --- n*charsize)
    retunrs the size of n chars
charplus, "char+" ( n --- n+charsize)
    adds the size of one char to n
bracketcharbracket, "[char]", ( <word> --- c ) immediate
    compiles the first character of the next word in the input stream into the current definition
char, "char"
    pushes the first char of the next word onto the forth stack

Floating point support (using separate floating point stack)

ftimes, "f*" f:( f1 f2 --- f3)
    f1 is multiplied by f2 and the result f3 is placed on the floating point stack
fplus, "f+" f:( f1 f2 --- f3)
        f1 is added to f2 and the result f3 is placed on the floating point stack
fminus, "f-" f:( f1 f2 --- f3)
    f2 is subtracted from f1 and the result f3 is placed on the floating point stack
fdivide, "f/" f:( f1 f2 --- f3)
    f1 is divided by f2 and the result f3 is placed on the floating point stack
dtof, "d>f" ( d --- ) f:( --- f )
    the double number on the forth stack is converted to a float on the floating point stack
ftod, "f>d" f:( f --- ) ( --- d )
    The number on the floating point stack is converted to a double number on the forth stack
fzeroless, "f0<" f:( f --- ) ( --- t | f )
    true is placed on the forth stack if f is less than 0.0
fzeroequal, "f0=" f:( f --- ) ( --- t | f )
    true is placed on the forth stack if f is equal to 0.0
fless, "f<" f:( f1 f2 --- ) ( --- t | f )
    true is placed on the forth stack if f1 is less than f2
flessequal, "f<=" f:( f1 f2 --- ) ( --- t | f )
    true is placed on the forth stack if f1is less than or equals f2
fgreater, "f>" f:( f1 f2 --- ) ( --- t | f )
    true is placed on the forth stack if f1 is greater than f2
fgreaterequal, "f>=" f:( f1 f2 --- ) ( --- t | f )
    true is placed on the forth stack if f1 is greater or equals f2
fdrop, "fdrop" f:( f --- )
    drop for the floating point stack
fdup, "fdup" f:( f1 --- f1 f1 )
    dup for the floating point stack
fnip, "fnip" f:( f1 f2 --- f2 )
    nip for the floating point stack
froll, "froll" f:( f1 f2 --- f1 f2 f1 )
    roll for the floating point stack
fpick, "fpick" ( f1 f2 ... --- f1 f2 ... f1 ) ( u --- )
    pickl for the floating point stack
fover, "fover" ( f1 f2 f3 ... --- f2 f3 ... f1 ) ( u --- )
    over for the floating point stack
frot, "frot" f:( f1 f2 f3 --- f2 f3 f1 )
    rot for the floating point stack
freverserot, "-frot" f:( f1 f2 f3 --- f3 f1 f2 )
    -rot for the floating point stack
ftuck, "ftuck" f:( f1 f2 --- f2 f1 f2 )
    tuck for the floating point stack
fpower, "f**" f:( f1 f2 --- f3 )
    f1 is raised to the power f2 and the result f3 is placed on the floating point stack
fabs, "fabs" f:( f1 --- abs[f1] )
    takes the absolute value of f1
facos, "facos" f:( f1 --- acos[f1] )
    returns the principle radian angle whose cosine is f1
fcosh, "fcosh" f:( f1 --- cosh[f1] )
    returns the hyperbolic cosine of f1
fcos, "fcos" f:( f1 --- cos[f1] )
    returns the cosine of f1
fasin, "fasin" f:( f1 --- asin[f1] )
    returns the principle radian angle whose sine is f1
fsin, "fsin" f:( f1 --- sin[f1] )
    returns the sine of f1
fsincos, "fsincos" f:( f1 --- cos[f1] sin[f1] )
    returns the cosine and the sine of f1
fsinh, "fsinh" f:( f1 --- sinh[f1] )
    returns the hyperbolic sine of f1
fatan, "fatan" f:( f1 --- atan[f1] )
    returns the tangent of f1
ftan, "ftan" f:( f1 --- tan[f1] )
    returns the tangent of f1
ftanh, "ftanh" f:( f1 --- tanh[f1] )
    returns the hypebolic tangent of f1
fatan2, "fatan2" f:( f1 f2 --- atan2[f1, f2] )
    returns the radian angle whose tangent is f1/f2
fexp, "fexp" f:( f1 --- exp[f1] )
    returns e to the power f1
fln, "fln" f:( f1 --- ln[f1] )
    returns the natural logarithm of f1
flog, "flog" f:( f1 --- log[f1] )
    returns the logarithm base 10 of r1
sqrt, "fsqrt" f:( f1 --- sqrt[f1] )
    returns the square root of f1
fdot, "f." ( f --- )
    prints a floating point number
fmin, "fmin" f:( f1 f2 --- f1 | f2 )
    returns the minimum of f1 and f2
fmax, "fmax" f:( f1 f2 --- f1 | f2 )
    returns the maximum of f1 and f2
fnegate, "fnegate" f:( f1 --- -f1 )
    returns the negitive of f1

Forth class words ( see the explanation at the beginning of this file )

DashRightGreater, "->", ( <method-name> --- ) immediate
    Used as instance-address method-name
DashDot, "-:", immediate ( <method-name> --- )
    Used as instance-name -: method-name
class, "class:", immediate ( <name> --- )
    Used as class: class-name
This, "this" ( --- addr )
    Used to get the address of the current class
MethodSemicolon, "m;", ( <name> --- ) immediate
    Ends a method definition
MethodColon, "m:", ( --- ) immediate
    Begins a method definition
EnclosedByte, "[byte]", ( <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define a byte class member
EnclosedBytes, "[bytes]", ( n <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define 'n' bytes as a class member
EnclosedWord, "[word]", ( <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define a word class member
EnclosedWords, "[words]", ( n <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define 'n' words as a class member
EnclosedDWord, "[dword]", ( <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define a double word class element as [dword] name
EnclosedDWords, "[dwords]", immediate
    Used to define 'n' double words as a class member
EnclosedPointer, "[pointer]", ( <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define a pointer class member
EnclosedPointers, "[pointers]", ( n <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define 'n' pointers as a class member
EnclosedArrays, "[arrays]", ( n <name> --- ) immediate
Used to byte define arrays of size n
EnclosedClass, "[class]", ( <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define a class instance as a class member
EnclosedClasses, "[classes]", ( n <name> --- ) immediate
    Used to define 'n' class instances as a class member
endclass, "class;", immediate
    Used to end a class definition
publiccolon, "public:", immediate
    Used to declare following class members public
privatecolon, "private:", immediate
    Used to declare following class members private
protectedcolon, "protected:", immediate
    Used to declare following class members potected
DecompileClass, "(decompile)-class", ( <class-name> -- ) immediate
    Used to decompile a class for debuging
ColonEqual, ":=", ( <class-name> --- ) immediate
    Used to inherit from another class
        FromToot public: := Toot
ColonColon "::" ( --- )
    Used to specify methods from an inherited class instance
        hoomw::goomb -: Anw!
NewClass, "new"
    Creates a new instance of a class
DeleteClass, "delete"
    Deletes a class instance from memory

-----------------------c++ classes in the code -----------------------------------------
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