RpgFantasyLocationNames :
RpgFantasyLocationNames does not acquire or retain any user information whatsoever.
It does not transmit, request, receive or retain any record of user actions, location or program use.
CelticKnotDraw :
CelticKnotDraw does not acquire or retain any user information whatsoever.
It does not transmit, request, receive or retain any record of user actions, location or program use.
CelticKnotEdit :
CelticKnotEdit does not acquire or retain any user information whatsoever.
It does not transmit, request, receive or retain any record of user actions, location or program use.
WinQTile :
WinQTile does not acquire or retain any user information whatsoever.
It does not transmit, request, receive or retain any record of user actions, location or program use.
Terms of service
_Zen_Soft takes no responsibility for misuse or improper use of its applications.
That said if bugs are found and reported _Zen_Soft promises to fix them if possible and appropriate.